Design for a space mission

Design telemetry data interface for the Iris Rover for its 2021 mission to the Moon.


Iris rover is the first private academic rover developed by Carnegie Mellon University, NASA and Astrobotic, and will land on the Moon in July 2021.


When the Iris Rover lands on the Moon, all sensors onboard will start either collecting data or monitoring the rover. How do operators monitor the health of the Iris Rover and troubleshoot when anomalies occur?


Create a telemetry data dashboard where operators can monitor onboard sensor data as well as look into data details for troubleshooting.

Iris on media

Iris passed a crucial NASA design review


My role

  • Conduct design research

  • Define features and workflows

  • Iterate wireframe designs

  • Deliver design specs


Diana Zhan

Shan Wang


Sep, 2019 - Present

A data panel for space rover operators to monitor the rover and troubleshoot anomalies during the mission



To give operators a holistic view of the status of the rover


Detail pages

To enable operators to investigate further into the data from sensors

TempDetail -  Init.png

Error tagging

To guide operators to document errors or anomalies during the mission.


Error analysis

To help operators identify and analyze errors by showing data from different sensors

Error Data (Visual Design Specs).png

 Value proposition


A holistic view of sensors on the dashboard informs operators of the status of the rover quickly.


Detailed historical data pages enable operators to investigate abnormalities efficiently.


Error marking process enables operators to document abnormalities for future study/investigation easily.


All-embracing data on the error analysis page improves troubleshooting efficiency.