Design for a space mission

Design telemetry data interface for the Iris Rover for its 2021 mission to the Moon.


Iris rover is the first private academic rover developed by Carnegie Mellon University, NASA and Astrobotic, and will land on the moon in July 2021.


When the Iris Rover lands on the Moon, all sensors onboard will start either collecting data or monitoring the rover. How do operators monitor the health of the Iris Rover and troubleshoot when anomalies occur?


Create a telemetry data dashboard where operators can monitor onboard sensor data as well as look into data details for troubleshooting.


My role

  • Conduct user research

  • Define features and workflows

  • Design and iterate wireframes

  • Facilitate user testings

  • Apply the Cosmos design system to design high-fidelity prototypes

  • Conduct usability test in paper missions

  • Deliver design specs


Diana Zhan

Shan Wang


Sep, 2019 - Aug, 2020

 The Process



  • Gather information from operators



  • Identify data architecture
  • Categorize data
  • Prioritize features



  • Sketch out initial design ideas
  • Define workflow
  • Iterate wireframe designs
  • Move on to high-fi deisgn



  • Create design specs

1. Discover

Gather information from operators

All of us were new to this area, so we decided to start from understanding user needs, the rover operators. We talked to many engineers and operators before conducting a vast amount of secondary research, which gave us more confidence in moving forward.


“ ... the raw data can be helpful for post-mission analysis, but the team needs to monitor the inferred value during mission to ensure proper performance of all criticle components.”

- Lou, System Engineer

“ The main goal of the telemetry interface is to monitor the overall health of the rover, and warn the team if something goes wrong.”

- Raewyn, Flight Operator

“ ... a lot of times the failures require human analysis and cannot fully rely on auto-generated error messages.”

- Connor, Flight Software Engineer

What operators need?


Monitor the overall health of the rover

Operators need to check the data from dozens of sensors onboard to monitor the health of the rover.


Check detailed historical data for analysis

Operators need detailed data to analyze the health condition of the rover.


Troubleshoot when anomalies occur

When things go wrong, operators need to troubleshoot as soon as possible to avoid mission failure.


2. Define

Identify data flow

We developed a data architecture illustrating the flow of information in the system based on findings from our research and interviews.

Data Structure.png

Categorize data

Based on the data structure, we categorized data from all types of sensors into different sections. Data in the "Integrated Visualization" and "Error Messages" columns are the key elements of the telemetry interface.

Data category 2 copy.png

Create and prioritize features

We further examined the data categories and came up with a more specific feature list for each data category. We then prioritized the features to guide the design later on.

Artboard 8@2x.png

Align features with user needs


A dashboard presenting a holistic view of sensors

Give operators an overview of current rover status


Detail pages showing historical data for analysis

Enable operator to further investigate the rover by delivering historical data of onboard sensors


Error tagging and analysis for troubleshooting

Help operators record and further analyze anomalies occurring during the mission


3. Design

Generate workflows

Based on user needs and features, we proceeded to generate workflows to clarify the interactions.

  • Monitoring

    To show operators a holistic view of data and navigate to detailed historical data pages when necessary

  • Error tagging

    To guide operators to document anomalies that occur on sensors step by step.

  • Error analysis

    To assist operators in investigating documented errors for troubleshooting. 


Ideate interface layout


We initiated our ideation with Crazy 8 practice (coming up with eight ideas in 8 minutes). After synthesizing our ideas, we came up with the dashboard design as follows. We applied a module design and arranged the data categories according to the prioritization based on our research.

Artboard 8 copy@2x.png

Design user interface

After figuring out the layout, we started to design the interfaces in detail. We explored various ways to present data on pages.

sketch on wireframes.jpg

Iterate wireframes

After deciding on our design direction, we built and iterated low-fidelity wireframes in Figma. Being able to collaborate quickly and effectively on Figma really helped us save a lot of time on synchronization.



We applied module design on the dashboard to give operators a holistic view of the rover. By presenting only real-time data, our dashboard minimizes operator’s effort on monitoring the overall status of the rover.


Detail page

By listing all sensors in the same category vertically, the detail pages enable operators to investigate and compare data across sensors easily. On detail pages, operators can also edit the “safe zone”” threshold for specific sensors.


Error analysis

We listed all errors on the left and detailed data graphs in the middle for the convenience of the operators' investigation.

Error Analysis.png

Feedback from operators

Throughout the design process, we kept testing our wireframes with operators and collected really helpful feedback to constantly improve our design. Here are some highlights that have led to significant design changes later on.


No "real-time" data

There is a 4-second delay in all data transmission due to long distance, which means the “real-time” data is not quite exactly “real-time”.

Design changes

Show the "last updated time" at the top of the screen.


Historical data over a short period of time is more valuable for monitoring.

Single data points of sensors on the dashboard are not very helpful for monitoring.

Design changes

Instead of only showing “real-time”data, we decided to add historical data over a five-minute period to the dashboard.


Troubleshooting requires data comparison

To troubleshoot anomalies, operators need to check data from multiple sensors at the same time for investigation.

Design changes

When an anomaly occurs, all data at the time, including images, will be saved to the error card.


A false alarm of bandwidth limitation

During the design, our team found out that the bandwidth of the rover was not enough to transmit all data at once. This means we may have to use multiple parcels. Asynchronous data would pose a lot of challenges to data visualization. Fortunately, we solved this issue by partnering with a company that offered us extra bandwidth for the mission. 

Although a brief interlude, this was actually tip of the iceberg. The challenges we encountered working on this project really made it an exciting journey. 

Artboard 8 copy 4@2x.png

Deal with challenges


No experience in space missions

Lack of experience in space missions was a big challenge for us. We talked to many operators, engineers and conducted substantial secondary research to reduce the knowledge gap.


Work with multi-discipliary teams

Throughout the process, we worked with multi-disciplinary teams, including engineers, operators, etc. Communication among groups with different expertise often requires “translations”. We learned many languages from others.


4. Deliver

Move on to high-fidelity design

After rounds of iteration on wireframes, we finally moved on to high-fidelity design. We worked closed with the Cosmos team who would determine the overall look (components, colors, styles, etc.) for all interfaces. In the meantime, we also kept updating our design based on feedback from developers.



To give operators a holistic view of the status of the rover.


Detail pages

To enable operators to investigate further into the data from sensors.

TempDetail -  Init.png

Error tagging

To guide operators to document errors or anomalies during the mission.


Error analysis

To help operators identify and analyze errors by showing data from different sensors.

Error Data (Visual Design Specs).png

Value proposition


A holistic view of sensors on the dashboard informs operators of the status of the rover quickly.


Detailed historical data pages enable operators to investigate abnormalities efficiently.


Error marking process enables operators to document abnormalities for future study/investigation easily.


All-embracing data on the error analysis page improves troubleshooting efficiency.

Next step

The Iris Rover project is an ongoing one. For the next couple of months, we will work on conducting usability tests with operators in paper missions and keep iterating our high-fidelity design based on their feedback.